Om Oplevelsen

Niveau: egnet til alle niveauer

Slags: workshop

Learn how to design a board game in this fun and interactive workshop, where I will be teaching you how to think playfully in and outside of the (game) box! A perfect workshop for meet building and getting to know people. The workshop will start with a brief introduction to board game design and to give you a fundamental understanding of what a game actually is. The rest of the workshop will be run like a game: After forming teams, and the game designing will begin! Each team will be given some (fake) money to either spend on materials to make their game or on information on how their game will be scored at the end of the workshop. After an hour and a half of designing your game, with me on hand to help, your team will be asked to pitch/sell it to me (just like how we do it in the biz) and your team will then be secretly scored based off hidden criteria. Once every team has presented their game a winning team will be announced and medals handed out! Even if you don’t win you will still be able to take your amazing game home with you. Workshop includes: - A 3h Board Game Design Workshop with an experienced board game designer; - An Introduction on how to design a board game, how the business works, and what a game even is. - All the playful materials for your game will be provided, from dice to toy cars to bouncy balls! - Your very own game to take home and play forever, and maybe even a medal; - A unique and memorable experience! Come as a team (2-5 people) or make friends once you are here! The workshop will be conducted in English.

Denne oplevelse kan også bookes som en Privat Booking

Mindstepris for en booking: 3900 dkk
Grupper større end 10 betaler billet prisen per person:
Yderlige gæster vil blive opkrævet billetprisen: 390 dkk.

Forhør dig, og vores team vil vende tilbage til dig inden for 24 timer.

Sted: this experience can be held at your location (up to 40 participants) or the artists location (up to 12 participants).

Din Hosting Artist

Sprog: Engelsk

Selected Works


Design Studio
Søborg Hovedgade 3
2870, København

My lovely design studio in Dyssegård. Just 25mins for the centre of town.